Friday, November 21, 2008

The garden travels on. The pumpkins are taking over the world, in just a few weeks something that was a little seed is now a couple of metres of life. They are growing so fast I can almost see them grow, and I am spending a lot of time trying to do just that. Its amazing how much time I can spend watching pumpkins grow. The rubbish has been cleared out, which has felt cleansing and invigorating.

My seeds have become seedlings too, and the lettuces and broccoli are almost ready to move out of their safe little nursery in to the big world of the garden bed. We've picked and eaten the first of the greens and herbs. The garden is a bit late with everything as we went away for a few weeks in September and October so I couldn't get anything into the ground until after then.

My chicken plans progress. I am working on the "build it and they will come" philosophy. If I can just get myself a chook house the birds will make their way here.

You may be wondering why a knitting blog shows no signs of actually being, well, a knitting blog. Well, that's because I haven't actually been knitting much lately. Actually I haven't been knitting at all lately. The garden is absorbing all of my creative energy and I just don't seem to have anything left for the kntting.

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